Our Architectural services consist of three phases.
Phase I Conceptual Design service includes Architect consultation, investigation, conceptual site and floor plans, 3D digital modeling and animation, exterior sketches and elevations, sections, and presentations of concepts to you and building authorities. Our in-house 3D digital modeling capability greatly enhances understanding of the design. Only after clients are satisfied with the design and the preliminary construction cost budget prepared by a contractor do we proceed to the final working drawings. Your commitment is limited to the first phase initially. Phase I services are performed on an hourly basis.
In Phase II Construction Documents, we provide accurate and thoroughly complete sets of drawings which result in more complete contractor bids and consequently fewer construction extras. Your answers to our detailed questions inform the design and construction documents. Included are the electrical power, lighting and audio / visual layout, plumbing and mechanical layout, interior cabinet elevations, door and window schedules, and thorough specifications, from roofing to finish hardware. Also included are the structural engineering calculations and drawings, and energy engineering. Finally, Phase II includes coordination of plan check and related corrections. Phase II and Phase III services are performed on a fixed fee contract
Architect Designer Consultation service is recommended to assure consistency with the vision of our clients and the architectural design. We will assist with the research of finish materials, fixtures, and appliances and then guide your selections by accompanying you to showrooms.
We consider the total site in our solution. We prefer to provide an exterior design which may include the hardscape plan, landscape planting plan, outdoor kitchens, pergolas, water features and fire pits, drainage plan, and grading plan.
Phase III Construction Administration service includes coordination meetings and communication using current technology with the Contractor and you. The benefits include immediate response to construction issues ensuring smooth work flow at the site. We are our client's advocates during construction. Regular Architect site visits are a strongly recommended service. Site visits are invoiced hourly. Additional soft costs including survey, soil report, plan check and permit fees are paid by the client.
Bruce Labins will be personally involved during these three phases, overseeing all aspects of your project including program development, design, CAD construction documents, 3D digital modeling, and site observation. Bruce has a talented and skilled team who assist with design, 3D digital modeling, graphic presentations, CAD drafting, and site visits.
Fees are determined by careful estimate of the work to be performed based upon the scope of services that we agree to. Design complexity, required entitlements, site conditions, and scope of services will dictate the final fee amount.
We will strive to exceed your expectations during each Phase.